All posts by Jordan Jenneve


Pre-Workout Snacks


Going to the gym and working out consistently can be very beneficial to our health, but many people struggle with motivation. Everybody who works out has their own reason for doing so, and have their own fitness goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight or gain muscle, diet is an essential part of any workout routine. Eating certain types of foods before a workout will help you get the most out of your body and maximize results to help you achieve your goals sooner. Here are some snack ideas and general tips to help fuel your workout.


1. Peanut Butter Sandwich

Many people tend to stay away from peanut butter as much as they can because it is dense in calories and carbs. Although this is true, carbs are actually good, making a peanut butter sandwich on wholegrain bread a great go-to snack before a workout. Before any type of moderate to intense training, carbs are essential. When eaten, carbs are quickly broken down into glucose, which gives us energy and allows our bodies to function at full potential. A lack of carbs during your workout can cause you to feel weak, tired, and jittery. The carbs found in the bread and peanut butter are a strong source of energy to help you through a run or lift. If you are not into peanut butter, fruit, oatmeal, and toast are wholesome alternatives.




2. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is filled with protein, which is essential before and after exercise. If you are into weight training, in particular, this is great before a lift. When we lift weights, small tears are being created in our muscle fibers. A substantial source of protein before a lift helps the muscles heal and grow back stronger. When choosing your Greek yogurt, plain is best because it has significantly less sugar than most brands of flavored Greek yogurt. To help cover up the awful taste of plain yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, or any other fruit is great on top. Some other easy sources of protein before a workout are nuts, eggs, and milk.




3. Water/Gatorade

It is extremely important to make sure you are hydrated before physical activity. Drinking as much water as possible throughout the day will help improve performance. According to, the average person loses about 37 ounces of water through sweat throughout an hour of moderate exercise. Dehydration leads to weakness, headaches, and muscle pain. Sometimes I like to mix in a Gatorade right before I workout for some added electrolytes and energy. Electrolytes are important for regulating heartbeat and allowing muscles to move properly.




Much like eating breakfast before school, eating the right types of foods before a workout can be extremely beneficial. Everybody is different and has different goals that they are trying to achieve. These guidelines and suggestions are general, and can be tweaked to personal preferences. Pre-workout nutrition is all about finding what your body responds to best. If you feel that something gives you more energy and helps you perform better, go for it! Everyone’s body is different and responds differently to various foods.